About Profishionals
Las Vegas Profishionals is an aquarium maintenance company serving all of the Las Vegas valley including Boulder city. We offer service from a simple water change to designing the aquarium of your dreams. Las Vegas Profishionals has the know how and experience to tackle your aquarium project. Our service is second to none, and is service that you can count on, GUARANTEED! Give us a call or email us today and see what Las Vegas Profishionals can do for you! We have flexible plans to fit your schedule – from weekly to bi-monthly. No tank too small or too large. You’ll find that our service is superior, our staff is professional, and our rates are highly competitive. We respect your home and your business and will work around your schedule and requirements. You can relax knowing your aquarium is in good hands with Profishionals.”

Justin Feldtkeller
About The Owner
As a young kid I was fascinated in aquatic life and as my 11th birthday approached I convinced my parents to get me a fish tank. Like most pets there comes responsibility and for a fish tank it was no different. I was granted my 11th birthday wish with a 29 gallon fresh water tank but with one exception. I would have to “take care of it.”
So it began, I didn’t know the first thing about taking care of a fish tank. I checked out books at my local library and started to learn the in’s and out’s of aquarium maintenance. My passion for aquariums grew rapidly and did not waste much time upgrading into a larger 55 gallon fresh water chiclid tank. To an 11 year old it seemed like a monster of a tank but it didn’t stop there. Shorty after I somehow convinced my parents I wanted a 125 gallon saltwater aquarium. Talk about an upgrade! From there I was hooked into this hobby.
In my early twenties I began working with a company in Arizona servicing aquariums throughout the valley. There I mastered my craft learning the art of keeping a healthy beautiful fish tank. After years of working with some great partners, I moved on to my new home, Las Vegas to start Profishionals. For years now I have gotten to work on hundreds of tanks and meet some great people around the Vegas valley. Can’t wait to see what is coming next.